Select google drive from the list that appears. Tap the plus icon on the screen’s bottom,. You can also choose to lock apps with fingerprint if you have got the fingerprint option on your phone. When you open the app, create a master pin. Install the Applock fingerprint app from the play store. Password Protect Google Drive App Use AppLock Tap on three vertical dot icons next to the folder you intend to protect. Password Protect Google Drive Folder Android Sharing settings You will be allowed to give access to anyone you intend to. Choose the part of the file you intend to protect. Then go to ‘Protected sheets and ranges.’. Open a google sheet that has got the data you intend to protect. To send the form, click on the send button present on the top right and then choose the way you intend to send it, i.e., by email, send by link, or some other way. You can share with everyone, and those having the password will be able to access the folder. In the confirmation message, enter the google drive folder you copied a few minutes ago. Uncheck the option saying ‘show link to submit another response.’. Then click on the Gear icon present on the top right (next to the send button). Don’t leave it blank, as it might show the real password. On the option saying ‘custom error text,’ enter the message like ‘wrong password, try agin’. On the right of the ‘contain option, enter the password. Then leave the ‘contain’ option as it is. Click on the dropdown where it says ‘number’ and select ‘text.’. Next to the required option, click on the three-dot icon and go to ‘response validation.’. And make it mandatory to enter by enabling the required option on the bottom right. Set the ‘short-answer’ option on the right side of the password option. Add ‘Enter Password’ where it says ‘untitled question.’. Add a description on the label ‘form description.’. Name the form by editing the ‘Untitled form.’. Click on the plus sign in order to start a new form. Make the setting to ‘Anyone with the link can view.’. Right-click on the folder you desire to share and get its link. Then create a form that will ask for a password before revealing the folder link. To do this, get the link to share the folder.
This way, you will have secured control over what you share. You can share a link to a folder on the drive and then set a password on it. This method allows you to have control over the stuff you share with google drive. Now your folder is password-protected, so you can upload it to google drive.